US Sales
Jeff Beaton
Direct: (970) 481-4214
European Headquarters
Delv Media
The Cedar Barn, Home Farm
Foxholes Lane
Tockington, Bristol BS32 4PG
Phone: +44(0)1454 419 314
European Sales
Ben Hortop
Direct: +44(0)7790 140 150
Who Are We?
We are a highly experienced team of innovators, specializing in branding, digital media and application development for marketing. With over 25 years experience in marketing and advertising, and over 20 years specializing in digital media, we are adept at spotting trends and consumer behavior patterns. We understand the connection between communication and brand building.
The medium that has the greatest opportunity for delivering both intellectual and emotional persuasion is the personal screen. Whether it’s a computer, smartphone, iPad, tablet or any other device, the screens interactive nature allows the audience to act on their persuasions.
Our Mission
We live in a time where people are quick to point out problems. In contrast, we provide solutions.
Years of marketing experience form the core of our thinking and results drive our strategies. We will provide the highest quality solutions and customer service to every customer. We will continue to build our reputation on integrity above all else.
Our philosophy was founded on three words: passion, innovation, and results. As a result Our infrastructure has been built to scale our services to strategic locations across the US and around the world.
We will be flexible and fluid – able to adapt to market trends and expanding technology. We will be obsessed with quality, creativity, and service.
Our History
Our team was developed to transform custom digital marketing and communication tools that 345 MARKETING developed for individual clients into a suite of commercial products that businesses and other organizations could use to communicate their messages much more effectively.
Delv Media was re-launched as a 100% HTML-based solution in 2016. The technologies and services that have been developed were a natural extension of the innovations of 345 MARKETING, a full-service marketing and advertising agency. Since the early 1990s, Jeff has applied his advertising experience, creativity and passion for innovation to embrace digital media.
Big Picture Thinking
(6 minute read)
People want what they want, when they want it.
Understanding this simple, but fundamental principle of human behavior should affect how we communicate and how we conduct business. As innovators, we have taken a fresh look at our industry. We have noticed that developments in technology create ongoing streams of remarkable new capabilities and revenue generation but marketers often overlook the most obvious opportunities these developments have created. Marketers know that traditional approaches to marketing and advertising are now yielding less than inspiring results. Today’s consumers expect far greater influence over brands they buy, they demand more choices, a better depth of information and they believe personalization is king.
The Need
Many businesses have made significant investments in e-commerce, online video and advertising, but have yet to combine them into one integrated marketing solution. Delv Media was developed as an enhancement product to add additional commerce capabilities to existing video and e-commerce assets. Delv Media technology gives websites hosting video the ability to sell commerce space – not just ad space. Adopting Delv Media maximizes the effectiveness of product placement marketing within online video by linking a direct sales opportunity to the featured products viewers see in each enhanced video.
The Online Video Advantage
Unlike ads in print media, video can continue to generate web traffic and revenue opportunities because the Delv Media application and its e-commerce capabilities can remain active as long as the video host desires.
Lessons from History
Linking commerce to online video content is not a new concept. In the mid-1990’s, Time-Warner conducted an experimental consumer trial of interactive TV in Orlando, Florida, that allowed consumers to purchase items they saw on the screen. The idea behind video-based commerce (direct sales) has always been compelling, but execution and choice of media have been flawed.
Previous attempts to introduce commerce into television and movies focused on entertainment programming. In many homes and business settings, entertainment programming is often background noise, and fails to maintain the consumer’s attention or introduce any relevant depth of information. Specialized video programming (enhanced video) selected by the consumer and focused on his or her personal interests (video conversion) can capture and hold the viewer’s attention, stimulating the viewer’s emotions much more effectively than entertainment programming.
A New Day Has Arrived
As online video explodes, marketers are desperately trying to figure out how to integrate advertising and marketing with video content. Pre- and post-roll ads have become the most common method of video-based advertising, but most marketers are actively looking for more effective advertising approaches.
So far, video advertising is a very small part of online advertising. Online video ad spending will reach $1.1 billion this year (up 63 percent), and more than double to $2.4 billion over the next two years. Still, that’s a relatively small portion of overall online ad spending. Online video advertising clearly appears to be at an inflection point and ripe for new revenue generation opportunities.
Delv Media
Delv Media allows websites hosting video to increase the profit potential of their media assets by introducing e-commerce opportunities that consumers can easily access within the video programming. Adding Delv Media functionality changes the consumer's experience and expectations of online video. As a result it will dominate mindshare and change how people think about the “pause” button in regards to online video.
How the Delv Media Player Works
When our enhanced video is paused, a selection of up to ten thumbnail images or icons appear on the screen, superimposed over the paused video. Each icon represents a product or service featured in the video or closely related to the content. The viewer can click on one of the icons and a new Engagement Page within the video player, slides up that contains additional information and specifications on the featured product. This new Engagement Page also contains a direct link to an online e-commerce store (of your choosing) where the featured product is already queued up and ready to purchase thus providing new revenue generation streams.
Emotional Impact
Consumer’s purchasing decisions include both emotional and intellectual components. Currently, search-based online commerce focuses primarily on the intellectual component. Once consumers decide to shop for a product or service, they go online to search for product information and specifications, prices, product comparisons and evaluations, and recommendations by experts and other consumers.
Delv Media makes it possible for manufacturers and retailers to stimulate a more immersive depth of information and generate additional online sales, or new revenue, by capitalizing on the emotional impact of online video. Because consumers are highly engaged when they choose to view videos that are both interesting and entertaining to them, the emotional drivers of a purchasing decision are very strong. And since consumers decide when to interrupt the video; they are choosing to seek additional product information and won’t find it disruptive or intrusive. Being in control, the viewer sees the opportunity to obtain more information about products featured in the video as an enhancement to their viewing experience.
Make it Easy
Delv Media requires a minimum number of clicks between the video content and the e-commerce shopping cart and check out (often one or two clicks). By reducing the number of steps and the time lag between the consumer’s emotional response and the purchasing opportunity - response rates and purchases will increase. Since consumers initiate the switch from “engaged viewer” to “active searcher” for additional information, they are more likely to respond and commit to the purchasing opportunity.
Marketing Metrics
Delv Media allows the hosting site to directly observe consumer behavior and measure the effectiveness of marketing programs. The video host will know how many times a consumer clicked on Delv Media to interrupt each video, which product icon they selected of the group that were displayed, how the consumer searched for additional information, and if they purchased the product or returned to the video without purchasing. By capturing consumer purchasing behavior through their click patterns, Delv Media provides extensive information and reporting to calculate push marketing performance, fine tune the Delv Media video and product selections, and improve the ROI of online marketing spending for greater revenue generation.
Marketing Tools
(2 minute read)
Tracking: What’s Hot (or Not)
Traditionally, online videos have been a good way to promote your brand, service your customer or demonstrate your products. Delv Media offers unprecedented opportunities to measure product performance and manage content by providing a relevant depth of information to your viewers. In addition, Delv Media enables you to instantly respond to trends. There is no other push marketing environment like it.
Real time update Tracking Capabilities with Delv Media:
Identify which online videos are hot. Determine when traffic is heaviest. And, if the video is posted in multiple locations, learn which locations are hot and which are not.
See which items generate the greatest interest and position them for optimal performance.
Establish if an item is hot in one region and not in another.
Ascertain which items are cold and remove or reposition them.
Instantly change prices and monitor response.
Use Delv Media as a test bed for product introductions
And, if you are hosting products from other companies in your Delv Media equipped videos, you can resell all of the above tracking capabilities to them.
Custom Delv Media Reports
Online video marketing continues to gain in popularity among marketing, advertising, and media placement agencies because of its inherent ability to provide accurate and measurable data in real time. Delv Media technology provides the resources to generate custom real time update reports measuring: video activity, product interest, clicks, impressions, and purchasing decisions. These reports can be generated into regional, monthly, quarterly, or yearly data. This information will allow businesses to create more effective content and targeted product offerings. In addition, our reports will provide internal data such as: users, account data, products, videos, players, and modification dates.
Media changes have never been more responsive
You can use Delv Media to test products and placement scenarios, tailor the criteria for your reports, and make changes to your strategy accordingly. The beauty is that with every adjustment you make to your strategy, Delv Media enables you to implement your changes immediately and publish those changes to every facet of your partner marketing media at one time. The possibilities are tremendous.
Marketing Strategies
(5 minute read)
Put Your Online Video Assets to Work
If you have a captive audience watching your online videos – Delv Media is for you. Delv Media is a non-intrusive way for you to personalize your existing online video assets by marketing related products within the video and providing your viewers a greater depth of information. Here’s what you need to know to get started:
What are Video Assets?
If your viewers watch your videos for entertainment or for education (or both) – you have valuable video assets.
If you sell products that are seen in your videos – you have valuable video assets.
If you have products that relate to your videos, but aren’t seen in the videos – you have valuable video assets.
If there are products in your videos that you don’t even produce – you have valuable video assets.
You can list these items (as well as your own) for sale in Delv Media, and sell the Engagement Page space to the company that makes the other products creating new revenue streams.
Until now, your videos have been a good way to promote your brand or demonstrate your products or services. Now with Delv Media, your videos are a great way to extend your push marketing capabilities. Can you see the possibilities?
Revenue Generation
Delv Media makes it possible for manufacturers and retailers to stimulate new demand and generate additional online sales by capitalizing on the emotional impact of online video. Because consumers are highly engaged when they choose to view videos that are very interesting and entertaining to them, the emotional drivers of a purchasing decision are very strong.
With the advent of Delv Media, online videos have become a valuable source for new revenue generation. Here are some of the ways:
A new revenue and shopping avenue is created for your existing captive audience.
Host Delv Media for the marketers of other products seen in your enhanced videos – on your website.
Market your Delv Media enhanced videos to other websites with similar interests. (They get your online video content and Delv Media capabilities. You get access to a broader audience and revenue generation from the host as well as your product sales.)
Resend Delv Media to other websites with videos that feature your products or have a related subject. (Again, you expand your audience awareness and generate sales and new traffic to your website when finalizing the product purchase.)
Present Delv Media to people you sponsor – for inclusion in their website and social media.
Vertical Market Emphasis
Delv Media is an ideal sales tool for vertical markets. Do you have a niche product(s)? Are there online videos related to that niche? Then Delv Media may be an excellent opportunity to expand your market base.
Scenario #1: Your products are seen in online videos presented by another company in your field.
If your products are seen in online videos presented by others – those videos are a potential new media source for you. (Even if your product is not seen in the video, but is relevant to that niche, Delv Media may be appropriate.)
With Delv Media, they can generate new revenue from your media placement and you can be seen in new places and sell your products to viewers who are already a captive audience.
And, if it’s appropriate, you can make arrangements to host their videos on your site. Now you are drawing an untapped audience to your site and they are expanding their audience by the exposure to your viewers.
Scenario #2: You have videos that feature other products besides your own.
If you already have online videos, just reverse Scenario #1. With Delv Media, not only are your videos a valuable asset for marketing your products, they are a new media asset as well.
Turn your Delv Media player into an additional profit center by renting “shelf” space to others thus creating new revenue streams. It’s all about expanding your niche (and expanding your profits).
Push Marketing Strategy
Traditionally, marketing has been limited to pull. That is, you pull your target audience to your website or your store, via advertising media.
The internet is quickly bringing push into the equation. If you offer something of interest or value to your audience – entertaining or instructive videos, helpful widgets and gadgets, or shopping – you can easily push to them because you have the content they desire. Brand building doesn’t get any better than this.
Push marketing advantages with Delv Media:
Information is delivered immediately to your customers.
Your customers request your content.
You can bypass email and spam filtering.
You create a true one-to-one marketing solution.
You maintain top of mind awareness.
Pull marketing advantages with Delv Media:
Attracting shoppers to your website to make final purchases allows them to see other products.
Attract people to your website looking for more Delv Media videos.
Co-op Advertising more than ever, people are using online video to follow their interests – from a fan watching off-road biking to a gardener learning planting techniques. With Delv Media you can reach this highly targeted audience with your products. Delv Media will turn your online videos into new revenue building assets. For even greater effectiveness, you can go beyond your own website and broaden your market base by partnering with companies whose products are complimentary to yours.
Here are just a few of the possibilities:
If you have online videos, get started with Delv Media on your website.
Get your Delv Media enhanced videos out there on other related sites. There may be other websites that are even more popular than your own. Co-op with them to broaden your market base.
Invite other related sites to post their Delv Media enhanced videos with you! Again, you’ll broaden your market and generate new revenue from media placement.
Media Strategies
(2 minute read)
A Whole New Playing Field
Delv Media takes a giant step beyond banner ads and other traditional marketing approaches. The elusive golden egg of reaching highly focused demographics is coming of age.
So far, online videos have been a good way for companies to promote brands or demonstrate products. From preparing a recipe to sinking a putt, from off-road racing to quilt making – special interest videos are flooding the Internet. Now every company with a video library is a potential media resource. The Big Three will give way to the Big Three Million.
Delv Media is poised to reach these audiences with products they are already interested in. It’s a marketing utopia! For starters, you can use Delv Media to help companies sell their own products within their own online videos. And, if you see other marketable items within their videos, you can sell Delv Media media space in those videos too creating new revenue streams. Your clients get additional revenue and you get additional commissions.
Delv Media enables you to play match-maker. Establish a dedicated group within your agency that searches through online videos for related products and then puts together independent Delv Media media proposals. The companies you match-up get increased coverage for their products as well as media revenue generation.
Multiple Media Streams
Think outside your homepage. Think Video Landing pages and media walls.
Wherever your videos play, Delv Media can be there generating revenue and brand awareness. Opportunities abound for exposure on the Internet. This is an exciting time for online marketing. Here are some possibilities you may not have considered.
Media Stream Opportunities:
Of course, we must start with your own website. It is your home base and the logical place to use Delv Media to market your goods within the related videos. Did you know you can sell other products relevant to your videos that you don’t even carry? Would a video landing page be better?
Are you a sponsor? There’s a wonderful opportunity to reach your captive target audience. Have the people you sponsor host (or link to) your videos on their website and blog. It’s a natural union, and makes them look good too.
Do you have a presence on social media websites? This is another growing opportunity.
What other industries are complimentary to yours? Why not exchange video assets and product offerings. You have nothing to lose, only potentially new revenue to gain.
Retailer Solutions
(2 minute read)
Delv Media is bringing proven traditional in-store marketing strategy to online video. You can now use the power of online video to service, educate, or stimulate your customers – increasing your revenue opportunities and creating new revenue streams. Videos abound with opportunities for product placement income and cross-selling opportunities. You also have the ability to sell product position in the Engagement Pages, just as you would sell product position on the shelf. Consider your videos as a virtual point-of-sale display. Check out the features and you’ll see why Delv Media is a retailer’s dream come true.
Delv Media Features:
Strategically organize product placement.
Immediately update or change content in all locations, at one time, from a single source.
Research measurable data for optimum product positioning.
Generate custom reports.
Take advantage of push marketing as well as pull capabilities with a widget or gadget.
Increase website traffic.
Market your online videos to other related websites.
Sell media to others on your website creating additional or new revenue streams.
Publisher Solutions
(2 minute read)
Selling In-Video Overlays:
Online Magazines have a unique advantage over their print counterparts – media. Delv Media makes it possible to sell overlay panels within the video instead of frustrating your audience with pre-roll advertising.
Profiting from Archived Video:
You’ve already made the investment in online video – now it’s time to collect. Hosting archived video can become an IT burden and an unwanted expense. Take advantage of your investment by selling in-video commerce space for all of your archived content. You will have access to reports that can substantiate the value of your older videos.
Consider it Subscription Data:
Push new enhanced videos with our video email generation tool to your subscriber base. By pushing content to your audience, you can create even greater value for the commerce space you sell. Distributing your videos doesn’t get much easier or cost effective. Increased traffic and more detailed statistics mean more revenue to the publications.
Corporate Solutions
(2 minute read)
Bridging the Gap
Traditionally, online videos have been a good way for companies to promote brands or demonstrate products. From entertaining fans to installing a sink – special interest videos are flooding the Internet.
Significant investments have been made by businesses across the globe in online video content and e-commerce solutions. Delv Media bridges the gap between these two investments, maximizing profitability and consumer satisfaction. Adding Delv Media functionality will change consumers’ experience and expectations of online video.
Because consumers are highly engaged when viewing videos that are very interesting and entertaining to them, the emotional drivers of a purchasing decision are very strong. And since consumers decide when to interrupt the video to actively seeking depth of information; they are choosing to seek additional product information and won’t find it disruptive or intrusive. Putting consumers in control, they see the opportunity to obtain more information about products featured in the video as an enhancement to their viewing experience.
By reducing the number of steps and the time lag between the consumer’s emotional engagement and the purchasing opportunity, response rates and purchases will increase.
Business Solutions
(2 minute read)
More than ever, people are using online video to follow their interests. Whether it’s a fan watching off-road biking or a gardener learning planting techniques – online videos are a great way to reach a highly targeted audience. Now you can take advantage of this trend.
Delv Media uses online videos to market related products. At the viewer’s convenience, they can pause the video and get a greater depth of information on products or services – without ever leaving the video. The viewer can continue the video, or Delv Media will take them to your website to complete transaction.
Delv Media is a marketing tool that doesn’t discriminate against the small business or the new business. That’s because it’s the viewer’s interests that drive success with Delv Media. Now you’ve got an even playing field. If you have a product with solid potential, you can use Delv Media – even for just one product, even if you don’t have any online videos!
If you don’t have online video, consider partnering with other companies to create an account.
Partner Marketing Media
Create video bundles containing up to 10 Engagement Pages per video. Each page contains Call-to-Action buttons that encourage active engagement with your content and with the Lead Generation add-on you can easily capture user data without leaving a video or image.
Video Landing Pages
Video gets significantly more clicks. With Delv Media your video instantly becomes its own landing page. Link search, ads, social media and email directly to video and seamlessly update information on the fly without coding. It's all done for you – instantly.
Automated Email Creation
Even mentioning video in an email increases clicks. With Delv Media you can instantly convert your videos into marketing emails. Copy the provided html code and paste it into an email from your service provider. Even specify a Engagement Page to open automatically.
Perfect Timing
Your message is important, but when you say it determines its impact. Even the best message will fall on deaf ears if your audience isn't ready to listen. Deliver it, when your audience wants it most – after they ask.
Engage Your Audience
Capitalize on the emotional impact of Delv Media videos. Because the viewers choose what they want to see and how to interact, the emotional drivers of the decision are very strong. The opportunity to obtain more information and take immediate action enhances the video experience.
Complete Control
Use the power of video to ensure a consistent message and experience. With Delv Media you can control the depth of information and action you want your audience to take. Because your content is served you can update it at any time and even set automatic start and end dates.
What is Delv Media?
Delv Media enhances the video viewing experience by providing measurable user engagement and serving a greater depth of information unattainable in traditional video.
Advantage: Video and Engagement Pages are served dynamically, and assembled when the video is paused, making it possible to update content, in real time, from a web-based Content Management System.
For Business
Manages video and bundled content across the web
Generates new revenue opportunities
Provides measurable analytics
For Consumers
Eliminates pop-ups and advertising
Delivers relevant information
Provides immediate opportunity for engagement
Dynamically managed and served content
Fully HTML 5 compliant
Reporting based on user behavior
Up to 10 Engagement Pages per video
Video-in-Video technology
Automated email sharing
Fully functional on desktop and mobile devices
Two programmable Call-to-Action links
Thumbnail previews
Change is coming.
Why build it? It’s worth it.
The inspiration for Delv Media came before interacting with video was even a possibility. Mobile phones didn’t have full-screen displays and gesture controls were science fiction.
With the invention of the iPod and Podcasting and increasing popularity of video providers, such as YouTube, it became clear that intrusive advertising would soon overtake the medium.
As a marketing professional I asked myself why internet users should be forced to watch pre-roll or pop-up ads prior to watching the video they requested?
What if you could purchase what you saw in a video? What if you could get additional information without leaving the video?
What if you were in control? What if you could update both the video and the content at any time from any place? What if you didn’t have to leave your current service provider to add functionality? What if you could track the effectiveness of your video marketing efforts?
What if you could do all of these things without changing user behavior or added complexity to the video viewing experience?
Finally, I asked myself if any of this was even possible with the current technology. Unfortunately, the answer was no. There was a choice to make... wait and hope someone would do the right thing or build it.
The endeavor has taken many years and multiple iterations and improvements, but result is worth it.
Try it for yourself!
Getting started.
We want you to look your best. We want to keep your customers engaged. Most of all, we want you to succeed.
Contract our services.
We will build, manage and maintain all of the video content for your brand and other properties as requested.
We will facilitate opportunities for creating connections between marketing silos, social media platforms, commerce, charities, brands and strategic partnerships.
We will provide timely reports on video and Engagement Pages.
We will provide account services to assure coordinated efforts and to proactively suggest opportunities and program enhancements.
Next steps. The hand-off.
After completion of our initial implementation, we will meet with you and your team to discuss the results and provide strategies for continuing success as well as training and support if you would like to manage your content internally.
Extending the partnership.
Whether you continue to use us as an extension of your staff or chose to move forward using our online management tools, we will be available for strategic advice, contract work, training, or custom integration.
Once you begin using Delv Media you will quickly discover a world of opportunity will come to light. Be sure to look at our strategies and do more content to see some of the possibilities.
Custom solutions.
Every company is unique and successful marketing often involves coordinated efforts, communication, and integration into other products. We are happy to work with you to integrate your analytics or automate services with your ecommerce solutions or tailor our product to meet your needs.
Read more
Email Marketing
Display Advertising
Video Wall
Next page
Do more.
Do more.
Move from simple video to a marketing media experience. Then consider the opportunities that arise when building on that foundation.
Delv Media is just the beginning.
Learn more about add-ons to our management system, revenue opportunities, and execution strategies that will dramatically shape the way you look at video.
Do more.
Email Marketing
Using video in email increases open rates and conversions.
According to a study from Marketo and Clearfit reported by Vidyard, using video for email messages increases open rates substantially. ClearFit used Marketo’s data to determine effectiveness of emails, and found the emails that used video for a direct call-to-action had a 53% higher click to open rate over emails without an obvious mention of video content.
Other reports have confirmed these findings. Mention video in your subject line and you can expect more people to open your emails. Research from Experian found that open rates rose from 7% to 13% when marketers used the word “video” in the email’s subject line.
53% higher
(Open rate over email without a mention of video)
Do more.
Display Advertising
There is a secret (or strategy) to converting impressions to clicks and turning clicks into customers. It's the journey.
Videos get clicks.
A recent study by Media Dynamics states that since 1985 a typical adult’s digital media consumption has grown 40% to 9.8 hours per day in 2014. Your audience is online and within reach.
With today’s highly targeted digital advertising, you can focus on the exact audience you want to reach. The key to success is to consider how people respond and engage with content. People want what they want – when they want it. Give them a choice.
With Delv Media videos, you streamline the path from impression to conversion. Discover what your customers want by seeing how they interact with your content.
9.8 hours
(Typical adult’s daily media consumption)
Do more.
Video Walls
Create and manage custom video portals on mobile, web and social media with our touch-enabled video wall.
If you have 3 or more videos, the Delv Media Video Wall is for you. You can use it to test products and placement scenarios, tailor the criteria for your reports, and make changes to your strategy accordingly.
The beauty is that with every adjustment you make to your strategy, Delv Media enables you to implement your changes immediately and publish those changes to every facet of your player at one time. The possibilities are tremendous.
Capitalize on a neutral site for co-marketing, cross-promotion as well as generating additional value to sponsors and patrons.
For even greater effectiveness, you can go beyond your own website and broaden your market base by partnering with companies whose products are complimentary yours.
This solution may be customized to connect with geography, category selections, filtering, search, cross promotional brands and charities.